Agile Manifesto

Tomilayo Jesse
3 min readNov 11, 2020

Agile model of software development involves the continuous iterative approach of development and testing throughout the software development life-cycle of a project. In Agile Methodology, Testing and Development are concurrent in Agile methodology.

Agile Software Development
Agile is a term used to describe software development approach that employ continual planning, learning, improvement,
improvement, team collaboration, evolutionary development and early delivery.
It promotes flexible response to change in software development.

Difference between Agile & Waterfall methodologies

  • Firstly, Agile method process proposes incremental and iterative approach to software design while in Waterfall model,
    development of software flows sequentially from a start point to end point.
  • Agile process is broken into individual models that designers work on, while Waterfall process is not broken into modules.
  • In Agile process, customers have early and frequent opportunity to look at the product and make decisions and changes to the project.
    Waterfall process only allow customers to make changes at the end of the project.
  • Agile model is considered unstructured compared to waterfall which is more secured because they are plan oriented
  • Errors can be fixed at the middle of the project in Agile method while in Waterfall model, the project is being tested at the end and if
    error is found, the project has to start from the beginning.
  • Testers work with the developers in Agile model. Tester works differently with the developers in Waterfall Model
  • At the end of every sprint, user acceptance is performed in Agile model but User acceptance is performed at the end of the project in waterfall method

There are various methods present in agile testing and those are listed below:
i. Scrum
ii. Crystal methodology
iii. DSDM ( Dynamic Software Development Method)
iv. Feature driven development (FDD)
v. Lean software development
vi. Extreme programming (XP)

Scrum Principles
SCRUM is an agile development method which concentrates specifically on how to manage tasks within a team-based development environment. Basically, Scrum is derived from activity that occurs during a rugby match. Scrum believes in empowering the development team and advocates working in small teams (says 7 to 9 members).
It consists of three roles, and their responsibilities are explained as follows:

  • Scrum Master
    Master is responsible for setting up the team, sprint meeting and removes obstacles to progress.
  • Product owner
    The product owner creates product backlog, prioritizes the backlog and it is responsible for the delivery of the functionality at each iteration
  • Scrum Team
    Team manages its own work and organizes the work to complete the sprint or cycle.

Lean Software development

Lean software development method is based on the principle “Just in time production”. It aims at increasing speed of software development and decreasing cost. Lean development can be summarized in seven steps.

  1. Eliminating Waste
  2. Amplifying learning
  3. Defer commitment (deciding as late as possible)
  4. Early delivery
  5. Empowering the team
  6. Building Integrity
  7. Optimize the whole

Kanban Principle
Kanban is a lean method to manage and improve work among human system.Kanban emerged from Japanese word that means, a card containing all the information needed to be done on the product at each stage along its path to completion.
This framework or method is quite adopted in software testing method especially in agile testing.

Scrum vs Kanban Principles

  • In Scrum technique, test must be broken down so that they can be completed with one sprint. In Kanban, No particular item is prescribed.
  • Scrum prescribes a prioritized product backlog while in Kanban, prioritization is optional.
  • Scrum team commits to a particular amount of work for the iteration, while commitment is optional in Kanban technique.
  • Burn down chart is prescribed in Scrum technique but No particular item size is prescribed in Kanban technique.
  • WIP is limited indirectly in Scrum Principle but directly in Kanban.

